Camp Half-Blood Philippines Wiki

History of Camp Half-Blood Philippines


CHBP Coverphoto September 2013

The official logo of Camp Half-Blood Philippines. This image is used as coverphoto of the group on September 2013.

Camp Half-Blood Philippines group is founded by Jecko Sanjorjo (Son of Athena) on April 29, 2012. On year 2013, the group is under the management  of  three admins  namely May Hare, (Daughter of Poseidon & Lieutenant of the Huntresses of Artemis), Barry Sim (Son of Hades) and Jimuel Miraber (Son of Apollo). 

CHBP Logo Evolution

Camp Half Blood Philippines' group logo started with a simple rectangular orange background with the silhouette of Pegasus and the name of the group. When Jimuel Miraber entered the Camp, he started creating logos and coverphotos for the group.

Camp Administrators

  • 2012  -  Jecko Sanjorjo, Barry Sim, May Hare, En Biong
  • 2013  -  Barry Sim, May Hare, Jimuel Miraber
  • 2014  -  Barry Sim, May Hare

CHBP Official Internet Accounts

CHBP Facebook Coverphotos

Most of CHBP Facebook Coverphotos are created by Jimuel Miraber. 

CHBP Posters and Ads

CHBP has posters and ads to find all the Filipino demigods in the internet and secure them against monsters outside the camp.
